Cannabis Tea and CBD Tea: How to Make it at Home

Do you like to drink tea at any time of the day? Do you also smoke weed or eat cannabis-infused edibles? This might be new to you, but let us try to make cannabis tea and CBD tea in the comfort of your home! Making cannabis tea is easy! This article will help you prepare your very own cannabis tea. You will also learn about the proper storage of your finished product and how to drink it properly.

What is Cannabis Tea?

Before we make cannabis tea and CBD tea, let us first discuss what cannabis tea and CBD tea is. Cannabis tea and CBD tea are other ways to enjoy the medicinal and recreational benefits of cannabis without smoking or vaping. It offers a variety of refreshing and comforting elements that a cup of tea provides typically

Drinking cannabis tea offers a high that is similar to other cannabis-infused edibles such as cookies, brownies, chocolate, and candies. The effect may take a while to kick in but lasts longer than the result given by smoking and vaping.

CBD tea offers a wide variety of medicinal properties, which include a relaxing effect. Furthermore, CBD tea has less to zero psychoactive effects, making it a great beverage to relax during the day.

When you browse your local online weed shop, you might encounter cannabis tea on their edibles section. However, even if some growers market cannabis tea, the variety is not as much with the other edibles. You will only be given a few choices. This is why many cannabis users opt to make cannabis tea and CBD tea at home.

The Benefits of Cannabis Tea and CBD Tea

There are many benefits a cannabis-infused tea has to offer. Alongside enjoying a cup of tea, it also provides a variety of medicinal effects depending on the strain that you will be using. Sativa strains are known to provide cerebral and euphoric effects, whereas Indica strains often promote relaxation. Also, if you are aiming for a high feeling, you should use THC-rich cannabis buds. THC rich cannabis buds used to make cannabis tea can boost your appetite, uplift your mood, and help with your sleeping disorders.

If you are not after the high effect, you may want to make CBD tea. CBD offers mind relaxing properties that can still keep you active and productive throughout the day. These properties make CBD tea a perfect cup of tea for the busy worker who wants to enjoy afternoon tea.

How to Make Cannabis Tea and CBD Tea

You can make cannabis tea and CBD tea at home easily! It is just like making your afternoon tea, but it involves a step called decarboxylation.

Decarboxylation is the process of removing carboxyl from a compound to enhance the ability of the cannabinoids to interact with the body’s receptors. When the weed is raw, the cannabinoids are inactive. Instead, it contains tetrahydrocannabinol acid (THCA) and cannabidiol acid (CBDA). To convert THCA and CBDA into THC and CBD, decarboxylate the weed means to heat it. By heating THCA and CBDA, they turn into active compounds of THC and CBD, respectively. This step will be introduced in the step-by-step process on how to make cannabis tea and CBD tea.

You might be overwhelmed when the process of decarboxylation was mentioned, but don’t worry. As mentioned, this article provides the most straightforward steps on how to make cannabis tea and CBD tea. But before starting, like any other recipe, the materials and ingredients must be prepared.

Materials and Ingredients:

  • 1 gram of ground cannabis
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil or coffee creamer
  • Saucepan with lid
  • infuser or tea ball to strain the cannabis flowers
  • Storage container

Note that you can adjust the measurements, either decrease or increase it depending on your desired effects. Also, pick up a cannabis strain depending on the health effects that you want. Use THC buds if you’re going to have your tea give off a high feeling. If you are looking to make CBD tea, use a cannabis strain with high CBD content. Alternatively, you can use a high-quality full-spectrum CBD oil.


First, here are the steps on how to make cannabis tea.

  1. Boil one liter of water.
  2. Place the grounded cannabis into the infuser.
  3. Next, place the infuser into the water then simmer it for 20 minutes. This will make your cannabis undergo the mentioned process of decarboxylation. Through this process, it activates the cannabinoids by converting THCA to THC. This makes your tea give off the high feeling.
  4. Remove the infuser.
  5. Then, pour the brew into the storage container.
  6. For future use, you can place the tea in the fridge.
  7. Every time you want a cup, just simply reheat your tea.
  8. Lastly, put a teaspoon of coconut oil or coffee creamer to the cup and add also to the heated tea. This is done back for the fat source will boost the bioavailability of THC

Next, here are the steps on making your own CBD tea.

  1. Boil one liter of water.
  2. Place your grounded cannabis into the infuser. Make sure that the CBD bud is grounded into an excellent consistency.
  3. Put the infuser into the water then simmer it for 20 minutes. This will make your cannabis undergo the mentioned process of decarboxylation. Through this process, it activates the cannabinoids by converting CBDA to CBD. This makes your tea contain the medicinal properties of CBD, which includes inducing a relaxing effect.
  4. Remove the infuser.
  5. Put the brew into your designated storage container.
  6. If it is ready for a cup, place a teaspoon of coconut oil to the cup before pouring your tea. The fat source will help boost the absorption of the CBD.
  7. Mix your tea thoroughly before drinking.

If you are not using CBD buds but rather CBD oil, the process is much shorter. Since CBD oil was already processed and is ready to be consumed, you don’t need to undergo decarboxylation. If you are using CBD oil to make CBD tea, here are the steps to do it.

  1. Mix the coconut oil and hot water in your mug or cup.
  2. Allow the mixture of coconut oil and hot water to cool slightly.
  3. Next, simply add three drops of CBD oil and stir thoroughly.
  4. You can now enjoy your homemade cup of CBD tea.

Take note that dropping three drops of CBD oil in your CBD tea is just our recommendation, you can increase or decrease it according to your liking. Just be mindful not to overdose and underdose your tea.

Storage and Consumption

By carefully following the listed step-by-step process, you can make cannabis tea and CBD tea. If you follow the listed measurements, you will have a liter of cannabis tea or CBD tea in which you can consume in 4 or 5 cups. As mentioned, you can store the cannabis tea and CBD tea in your fridge and reheat it for later drinking. However, keep in mind that you should consume it within five days for the best experience. If you want to increase the cannabis tea or CBD tea, you will make sure to drink it at the said time range. You can also make ice cubes with your cannabis tea and CBD tea to greatly enhance their storage life.

Do you want to add flavors to your tea? You can be creative with your tea when you reheat it. You can add honey, maple syrup, sugar, or other sweeteners if you want your tea to be sweet and have an enhanced taste.

If you aim for an enhanced taste and additional medicinal effects, you can add herbs, especially those that go well with cannabis. You can add mint, green tea, lavender, cilantro, rosemary, and others. Also, don’t forget to add your fat source, the coconut oil, when reheating. This will boost the absorption of THC and CBD cannabinoids.


It is easy and straightforward to make cannabis tea and CBD tea. Making this kind of tea will give you another option to enjoy your cannabis experience without overusing it! This kind of experience will provide you with some ideas on how to consume your cannabis correctly. Carefully follow the step-by-step process listed on the mentioned above and tips and techniques on its storage and consumption. As mentioned, you may end up with only a few choices when considering buying cannabis tea extracts online. As compared with the other edibles, you may not see much of cannabis tea extracts. Through making your own, you can experiment with different kinds of cannabis strains, and you can surely find the mixture you are looking for that will satisfy your taste. Just remember to make cannabis tea and CBD tea properly to avoid wasting your weed. After you successfully created your tea, you can now enjoy the smoke-free option of enjoying the fantastic medical and recreational benefits of cannabis.