Cultivating Weeds Under the Moon: Is It Effective?

Is cultivating weeds under the moon effective? The moon is one of the objects that are determined to have an impact on our lives here on earth in a lot of ways. It can cause a significant effect on both alive and inanimate objects like menstrual cycles of women, global warming issues like the increase of sea level, and breeding habits of animals.

There is a known, old, traditional way of gardening that is used by various natives, including Native Americans. It is also known as lunar gardening. Lunar also refers to the moon, and the whole process greatly stresses that the moon has an impact on the growth, development, and harvest of plants and crops. The so-called lunar gardening follows a particular lunar calendar so that your cultivating weeds under the moon grows its maximum potential with excellent health and results.

Even in today’s time where traditions have been disregarded and thrown away, the modern cannabis gardeners have been eyeing this traditional way of gardening. Numerous cannabis growers have been regularly paying attention to the lunar calendar in order to check the moon and the monthly orbit it makes. Ever since then, they have produced more significant numbers of strains, and it even had higher quality the next time around!

Definition of Moon Gardening

Lunar gardening is also known as moon gardening. It is an old, ancestral procedure that concerns farming according to the lunar calendar or the distinct periods of the orbit of the moon. This tradition has been practiced by several gardeners internationally for more than two centuries.

You don’t need to go to school and enroll in an astrology class and learn about astrology. To use these procedures, you need to have the necessary information and knowledge about the orbit of the moon to deeply comprehend the theories of lunar planting, and the process of lunar gardening.

It takes about 27 days for one lunar orbit around the world. The moon completes the course of traveling all of the 12 zodiac signs. The moon’s gravitational pull affects the germination in seeds and both the size and quality of the harvest after doing lunar gardening as lunar gardeners have said.

There are two main theories on lunar planting, and it may help in cultivating weeds under the moon:

  • When the moon turns from a new moon to a full moon, plants above the soil that harvest fruits or flowers should be planted during this period of time. This time is also determined as the waxing of the moon.
  • Crop-producing plants, biennial, and perennial flowers below the ground should be planted during the period of time that the moon turns from a full moon to a new moon. It is also called the moon’s waning period.

Lunar gardeners have stated that the gravitational pull of the moon affects the moisture levels of the soil because it pulls moisture closer to the soil’s surface, which increases the chances that the seeds are germinating correctly.

Lunar gardeners also keep in mind the different Zodiac signs. The moon orbits through every zodiac constellation, and they always check on the 4 elements: earth, water, fire, and air signs. For example, the zodiac sign Capricorn is part of the zodiac element, earth.

The 12 Zodiac Signs are separated onto the 4 elements and this is the basic breakdown of the signs:

  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
  • Air: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
  • Fire: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Some growers choose to sow seeds while the moon courses through the zodiac constellations and it creates a fruitful harvest, especially when the moon passes by the water and earth elements. While the moon is moved by fire elements, lunar gardeners suggest that it produces smaller harvests.

Benefits Of Moon Planting

Studying and following the lunar orbit is highly suggested by moon gardeners because you can get a better insight and better comprehension of the right choice of time on when to sow specific seeds.

With the knowledge and information of the lunar orbit, lunar gardeners have better control in terms of their plants, their size, and their quality as well.

With this kind of information, you can already choose to cultivate weeds under the moon according to the lunar orbit. Knowing that you now know better, we have listed for you a list of lunar planting principles for you to abide with:

Germinate Seeds During The Full Moon

As suggested by the lunar gardeners, the moon’s gravitational pull has an enormous effect on the soil’s moisture levels, speed, and rate of germination in the seeds.

It would help if you used this to your maximum capacity because it is recommended that you sow seeds during a full moon. The water is speculated to pull water closer to the soil, which is where you should take the chance to plant your seeds. It is a belief that there is more moisture absorbed by the seeds.

Cannabis seeds require a lot of moisture to germinate appropriately and to have the best quality. You can try and use this principle of lunar planting because it is a natural way that provides one of the best conditions for cannabis plants.

Know Your Moons

As mentioned before, you should always keep in mind the moon and its different periods. Native Americans and other ancient cultures used to track the moon to know the time of the day, and that is the reason why tribes created the 12 moons of the year because there have been seasonal changes in their environment.

Also known as the Snow or Hunger moon is the moon of February. They named it like that because, at that time, there was heavy snowfall and natives had difficulty hunting and gathering food for their tribes. The pink moon is seen every April because of the first appearance of the wild ground phlox which is one of the first spring flowers.

Cannabis growers should take note of the most important moons. Those are the Pink and Flower moons, which is April and May, and as well as the Harvest moon of October and September. If you get to learn basic knowledge about these moons and apply it well, it will help you in tracking the flowering period and the stages of the growth of your plants.

These names originated from the Native American tribes, so they are kind of similar to the seasonal patterns in the Northern Hemisphere.

Always Pay Attention To Waxing And Waning Periods

Both the waxing and waning periods of the moon is massively important with the two parts of development involving the plants. Above-ground growing plants should be done during waxing periods while growing tough roots systems should be done during waning periods as suggested by the lunar gardeners.

When the moon is in its waxing period, more nutrients and moisture are absorbed by cultivating weeds under the moon. It’s the perfect time for plant nutrition through fertilizers. Pruning is also another way that is believed to be less stressful during these periods.

The waning period is believed to be a better opportunity to deal with pest problems. You can also choose to create clones for the reason that it is the ideal time for growing strong roots below the ground. You can try to transplant or try cloning plants when the moon is in an earth-related zodiac sign like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Know The Ideal Time For Harvest

Cannabis growers are mostly excited about harvesting the buds. When harvesting, you need to make sure that it is in perfect condition and opportunity. It has a huge effect on the quality of your cultivation.

A new moon is what’s best for harvest as lunar gardeners have suggested since the water levels of the plants are at their lowest which helps in lessening the time for curing and drying the plants.

Meanwhile, your nutrient flush takes place during a waxing moon, and it helps in maximizing water absorption, which makes your harvest cleaner than ever.

Zodiac signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are air constellations and are considered the best harvest time for flowers like cannabis.

Throw Away Superstition

Since a lot of breakthroughs and discoveries have happened in the past centuries, old theories and traditions have been disregarded and dismissed as superstitious practices. However, multiple gardeners can still attest to the lunar calendar. During the 20th century, there have been several scientific kinds of research into these kinds of fields.

Here are some authors that can help you by providing information on lunar gardening:

  • Maria Thun, author of the Biodynamic Calendar
  • Nicholas Kollerstrom and Gerhard Staudenmaier, authors of Evidence for Lunar-Sidereal Rhythms in Crop Yield: A Review
  • E.A. Crawford, author of The Lunar Garden: Planting by the Moon Phases.

How interesting it is to know that cultivating weeds under the moon is one of the traditions of ancient people. Don’t forget your moons! Grow them well!